Dr. Dannielle supports kids of all ages as they navigate learning to crawl, walk, read, text and drive!
Their bodies and beings must integrate repetitive falls and frustrations during all stages of normal development. It makes sense to optimize their function as they grow with chiropractic care.
Call (510) 523-1221 for more information or to schedule your first appointment.
3111 Santa Clara Ave, Alameda, CA 94501
(510) 523-1221
Radiant Life Chiropractic
BGI Master: Dr Dannielle is one of 21 doctors in the world who have completed a 180 hour postdoctoral Master’s Certification in Bio-Geometric Integration.
ICPA Member: Dr Dannielle has completed a 200 hour postdoctoral course in Pediatric & Family Wellness offered by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association & has contributed to their Practice Based Research Network.