Kids Love Chiropractic

Kids Love Chiropractic

Sometimes people are surprised when they find out that I adjust kids.  As if kids don’t live in bodies! It can be easy to forget that from birth to toddling to puberty to adulthood kids experience a variety of physical, chemical and emotional stressors that can affect their health and well being. Chiropractic adjustments help us all integrate and adapt to stress. Restoring the normal flow of information in the body allows it to better self-regulate and heal, no matter how old (or young) you are.

Keep Moving to Keep Moving

Keep Moving to Keep Moving

People always ask me, “What can I do to get and stay healthy?” No matter what else is going on, you’ve got to keep your body moving. That doesn’t mean you have to run a marathon. It just means that you have to move your body everyday. Take a walk. Dance around the house. Swim. Ride your bike. Whatever way you like to move, just do something everyday. Chiropractic adjustments get you back to moving by making movingeasier to do. Experience more flow and freedom of movement by getting adjusted.

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