Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers; strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.
-Barbara Katz Rothman, PhD
Chiropractic adjustments restore balance to your spine, pelvis and their associated muscles and ligaments. This balance allows you to adapt to and integrate the rapid changes that occur during pregnancy. It also addresses the most common cause of difficult labor (dystocia): structural misalignment.
Studies have documented how women who have received chiropractic care during pregnancy report having shorter labors and decreased need for pain medications during labor.

The late Dr. Larry Webster developed Webster Technique for pregnant mamas with the intent to gently and effectively restore sacro-pelvic balance to aid in getting the baby into the optimal head-down position for birth. When your spine, pelvis and related muscles and ligaments are balanced, it maximizes the space available for your developing baby and releases uterine constraint that may be preventing your baby from turning head down. While it is not a baby-turning technique like the medical procedure called version (aka external cephalic version), it is an approach that creates the conditions where your baby is more likely to turn on its own.
Dr Dannielle has worked with pregnant mamas for over 15 years and is certified in Webster Technique by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association.
Post-Natal Care: For Mom and Baby
The birth process, both natural and medically assisted, exerts tremendous force on the mother’s pelvis and spine, not to mention the baby’s. Continuing chiropractic care after the birth restores balance and bolsters you as you care for your new baby.

Call (510) 523-1221 for more information or to schedule your first appointment.
Chiropractic adjustments restore balance to your spine, pelvis and their associated muscles and ligaments before and after childbirth.
3111 Santa Clara Ave, Alameda, CA 94501
(510) 523-1221
Radiant Life Chiropractic
BGI Master: Dr Dannielle is one of 21 doctors in the world who have completed a 180 hour postdoctoral Master’s Certification in Bio-Geometric Integration.
ICPA Member: Dr Dannielle has completed a 200 hour postdoctoral course in Pediatric & Family Wellness offered by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association & has contributed to their Practice Based Research Network.